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Video On-Demand

Pilates by Jen brings the studio to your home. Our live zoom classes are now available to you at your convenience. Download Pilates by Jen's specialty mat classes ranging from classical to contemporary, power up to begin your total body workout. Pilates by Jen specializes in Pilates for all and focuses include Pilates athletes to custom Pilates for Prenatal and Postpartum women, to injury recovery, arthritis, and scoliosis, as well as Pilates for seniors. We ensure that your sessions are efficient and custom-tailored toward your needs. Expect to transform your body!

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  • Bosu and Weights Section 3
    • 10/18/21

    Bosu and Weights Section 3

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • Bosu and Weights Section 2
    • 10/18/21

    Bosu and Weights Section 2

    Created by FSCJ Professor Rebecca R. Levy for her students during the COVID 19 closures. Consult a heath professional before starting a new fitness practice.

    Can be done with or without weights. A fitness ball or rolled up towel can be substituted for the bosu.

  • Bosu and Weights Section 1
    • 10/18/21

    Bosu and Weights Section 1

    Created by FSCJ Professor Rebecca R. Levy for her students during the COVID 19 closures. Consult a health professional before starting a new fitness practice.

    Can be done with or without weights. A fitness ball or rolled-up towel can be substituted for the bosu.